Gold Trend 11/03 – Reversal signals yet to appear

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Gold Trend 11/03 – Reversal signals yet to appear

2024-03-11 @ 11:24

The gold price was unstoppable last week. It broke clear the December high of 2088 and surpassed the historical high of 2147. On Friday, even with better-than-expected US non-farm payroll data, it continued to rise before the market closed, reaching a new all-time high of 2195. This week, the US will release core CPI and retail sales data on Tuesday and Thursday, if inflation slows down and the data disappoints, we can expect the gold price to continue its upward movement.

1-hr Chart – The gold price was rejected by 2190(1) again during the Asian session today. Since breaking through the resistance at 2147-2150 last week, an S-T upward channel(3) has formed in the past 48 hours. If the gold price breaks below the upward channel(3) after Tuesday’s data, the trading range can be set between 2155-85(2).

Daily Chart – After breaking through the December high of 2088 (4) last week, gold officially began its uptrend. The upside target 2190, estimated based on the previous consolidation range of 1:1 (4.1), has been reached. As the gold price is approaching the upper resistance of the M-T upward channel(5), the gold price has pullback(6) before the market closed on Friday. Keep an eye out; it would be the first signal of another surge if the gold price closes above 2178 on the daily chart in the next 2 days. Otherwise, a retreatment toward 2147-50 will begin.

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